ND Sellers Septic Tank Service can handle all of your portable toilet / restroom, sink, and holding tank needs.
Services include: delivery/pickup and weekly service
Options: Hand washing, urinal, handicap, flushing
Options: Hand washing, urinal, handicap, flushing
Events we have served...
Chesterfield's - Carolinafest; Taste of Chesterfield; Cheraw's -Sping Festival; Jazz Festival; Taste of Cheraw; Pageland's - Watermelon Festival; Taste of Pageland; Bethune's Chicken Strut; Hartsville's Reno Fest; City of Bennettsville - Beach Blast ; Patrick's Pine Straw Festival; Taste of Patrick; Fairs/carnivals; Concerts; Weddings; Funerals - yes, funerals!; Ball games; Family reunions; Golf tournaments; Parties of all types - graduation, birthday,etc. ; 4th of July Festivities; School Events; Relay for Life (Cancer walk) Events; Church Socials & Events; Private campgrounds around the Darlington, SC race track.